Friday, 28 February 2025

Individual Research contributions to Group Project

Research on AutoCAD's Rendering Feature

~ Proposed and pitched my technology of AutoCAD to my group mates. We debated among the three technologies and decided on AutoCAD as the technology we are going to work on.
~ Read through various articles and journals on Autocad's issues and linked it with my own personal reader response to fixate on a problem statement for our group project.
~ Figured out the pros and cons and discussed with my groupmates on how we are going to propose in our report.

Research on AutoCAD's Collaboration Feature

~ After discussing with my groupmates, we felt that needed a change in the direction we approach and decided to work on AutoCAD's collaboration issues as our problem statement.
~ Felt Wen Cong's problem statement is the most viable and went on to futher research about AutoCAD's collaboration users.

Research on BIM's Collaboration Feature

~ After finalising on Wen Cong's problem statment, I went to gather futher inspiration from BIM's 360 to adopt 'Real-Time Multi-User collaboration' features into my proposed technology.

Ideal, Gap, Goal table

~ Refined the table with our new proposed information gathered by the team and prepared us for the pitch.

-As of 28th Feb 2025-

1 comment:

  1. This is very detailed, Vishva. Thanks for the great effort!

    I appreciate the precise deacriptions. That's effective communication!

    I look forward to learning more about your current research process.
